The Adventure...
The Conception Adventure has been developed as a joint venture between the Topnaar Community and URI Adventures.
The Conception Adventure has been developed as a joint venture between the Topnaar Community and URI Adventures.
The Conception Adventure is an unique adventure taking place in the vast sand sea of the Namib Desert south of Walvis Bay offering the ultimate challenge for
thrill seekers with off-road endurance and a taste for adventure. Time wise there are various options to choose from when planning your Conception trip - the total trip's duration is 4 days/3 nights but some of the sections can be done in isolation, thus allowing the participant to do some of the sections in as little as 2 days.
The rest of the trip can then be done on a more convenient time. Each of the sections offers it's own unique experience and scenery. For this reason it is possible to brake the whole route into shorter tours with very little overlapping on any of the highlighted points in the itinerary.
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