Friday, March 25, 2011

A change done to the Ultimate Namibia Safari

As a result of current closure and the uncertainty over the re-opening of Hobatere Lodge they have been obliged to replace the use of this lodge on the ULTIMATE NAMIBIA SAFARI, which is one of their guaranteed departure small group safaris.
They will now be taking guests to stay at the new Dolomite Camp in western Etosha National Park on Day 7 of this itinerary. Dolomite Camp will officially open in June, and will be the newest camp inside any National Park. We are certain that this change will not impact on the quality of the safari and, if anything, it should enhance it as it offers a stay inside the restricted western portion of the Etosha National Park. This change will not affect the price of the safari and the stay there will also include a night drive.

For a full itinerary detail please click on the link:
of contact us at to make a booking.

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